Joseph DeLappe, Elegy: GTA USA Gun Homicides, Self-Playing Game Mod/Data Visualization and 1-year Live Stream, 2018-19
Game Engine Cultures
December 1st 13:30-17:00
School of the Arts Library
19 Abercromby Square
University of Liverpool
Liverpool L7 7BD, England
Free and open to the public
press release
Co-curated by Paolo Ruffino (Department of Communication and Media, University of Liverpool) and Valentino Catricalà (School of Digital Arts at Manchester Metropolitan University), the workshop is organised as part of the Centre for Culture and Everyday Life (CCEL) in Liverpool.
Game engines such as Unity and Unreal Engine are now ubiquitous tools in the digital arts and are widely used beyond videogame development in fields such as film post-production, architecture, and fashion. The workshop will explore how game engines shape our contemporary visual culture, and how media studies and media arts can analyse and critique their pervasiveness.
The workshop will include talks by:
Joseph DeLappe - games and media artist and Professor of Games and Tactical Media at Abertay University in Dundee, Scotland;
Sandra Youkhana and Luke Caspar Pearson - founders of architecture studio You+Pea and curators of the Videogame Urbanism project at the Bartlett School of Architecture at UCL;
Aleena Chia - Lecturer in Media, Communications and Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths, University of London and researcher investigating automation and platformisation in videogame development;
Vid Simoniti - Lecturer in Philosophy of Art at the University of Liverpool, and researcher in the field of contemporary art, social change, and new technologies.
LINK: Paolo Ruffino, Valentino Catricalà