Video Game Suite
Thursday, October 23, 2014, 7:00 pm
Stanford Art Gallery, Stanford University, Stanford, California
"Video Game Suite is an evening of three short "pop up" dance pieces on the theme of video games created by Bay Area choreographers and staged informally in an art gallery setting. Three short dances by: Marcos Vedoveto, Tracy Hazas, Diane Frank with Elise Knudson"
Producer Erik Flatmo's statement:
"I posed a challenge to three young choreographers: create a short dance piece based on a video game. Video game animation and technology has become amazingly sophisticated. Unlike the clunky old games of yesterday, they're cinematic, almost photorealistic. People, landscapes, and objects are rendered so convincingly that viewers (and gamers) often believe they’re witnessing events and actions firsthand. They've crossed a line, from representational and symbolic to a believable virtual reality. From a dance perspective, I’m less curious about how video games are similar to real life, more interested in how they’re different. How does a real human being versus a digital one move? What’s the difference and what does that say about the limitations and possibilities of digital technology?"
LINK: Video Game Suite
Submitted by Matteo Bittanti