On June 16, 2014, Colleen Flaherty and Matteo Bittanti were invited to participate to an international workshop on GAMING, ART, AND CULTURE in Siena, Italy organized by Professor Pier Luigi Sacco and Nicola Tripet. The event took place in the Bibliotechina of Santa Maria della Scala, located in Piazza del Duomo, a truly outstanding venue.
Source: Santa Maria della Scala, Siena, Italy, Wikipedia
Speakers included Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen (Serious Games Interactive), Panagiotis Petridis (Serious Games Istitute), Paul Manwaring (Glimworm), Davide Spallazzo & Ilaria Mariani (Politecnico di Milan), Ian Bogost (Persuasive Games), and Matteo Bittanti & Colleen Flaherty (COLL.EO),
Titled GAME DESIGN, CRITICAL PLAY, GAME ART, COLL.EO's presentation focused on three main themes: Game Design, Critical Play, and Game Art. Specifically, COLL.EO introduced three game design ideas: GRAND THEFT SCHOOL, SIMGENTRIFICATION and REAL DRIVING.
The full text is available here
Submitted by Matteo Bittanti