"Let’s Play Max Payne" is the third installment of the DVD Dead Drop project by German artist Aram Bartholl, which will be unveiled at the Museum of the Moving Image (36-01 35 Avenue, Astoria, NY 11106) between October 30 –December 3, 2012. As Bartholl writes on his blo, the project consists of "eighteen hours of ‘Let’s Play’ Max Payne walkthrough videos on DVD"
"Three players—Tetraninja, AMF1534, and TehNevs—provide commentary while playing Max Payne 1, 2, and 3 from start to finish. Enjoy 4.5 GB and 60 video files of intense game-play action, hilarious comments, and compelling story-mode cut scenes. [...] Let’s Play” originated on Something Awful forums in 2006 as screen shot walkthroughs of video games before also coming to describe screen capture videos of game walkthroughs. Instead of playing a game oneself, the viewer watches someone else play, a common gesture in gaming culture. As CPUs and screen capture software became more powerful, Let’s Play developed into a widespread entertainment form. Many Let’s Play enthusiasts have attracted large numbers of subscribers on YouTube and frequently play several games for large audiences." (Aram Bartholl)
LINK: Aram Bartholl
Submitted by Matteo Bittanti, Image courtesy of Aram Bartholl