Image: where the bears are sleeping - 2010, single channel HD video
Image: vermillion lake, 2010 - installation with sound (photo Nick Dunmur)
Image: vermillion lake, 2010 - installation with sound
12 November 2011- 15 January 2012
Private View 11 November 6.30 - 9.00
Aberystwyth Arts Centre
Penglais Campus
SY23 3DE
"Inspired by the artists' travels to the snow-driven mountains of the Canadian Rockies VISITOR was developed following research at The Banff Arts Centre. Vermilion Lake comprises a full-scale replica of a trappers cabin housing an interactive virtual environment. A companion moving image piece, where the bears are sleeping, depicts monochromatic imagery of glaciers, forests and frozen lakes. In both works, either a friendly or malevolent force is suggested, evoking the hunter being hunted, the tracker being tracked. Employing techniques used in video games, bringing exterior virtual space into the physical gallery space the exhibition plays with our apprehension of different forms of reality." (Ruth Gibson and Bruno Martelli)
Submityted by Matyteo Bittanti