"Crossfire, Experimental video using a video game engine. 2010"
"Grazing, Experimental video work using a game engine to create artwork, 2010"
"Removeallweapons, Experimental video art, subverting a military game engine by removing all weapons from the AI participants, 2010"
"The Death, Experimental video work, using a game engine to create digital sculptures, 2010"
"First Person, Video Game exploration work, 2010"
"I create work that is slow, quiet, and meditative; a counter to our fast paced information data age. Reflecting upon important moments in my own life, I craft symbolic imagery that encompasses common, universal experiences in an attempt to create viewer-artist companionship. In a world without reason or meaning, it is vitally important we discover our connections together" (John Hendershot)
link: John Hendershot
Submitted by Matteo Bittanti