"The Night Journey, an experimental video game by Bill Viola, offers something quite different from the fast-paced, shoot-'em-up world of a typical video game. There are no aliens or terrorists taking aim, and if players' on-screen surrogates run too quickly in trying to advance to the game's next level, the landscape smears. "It's a game that rewards you for slowing down and for introspection," says Viola, 59, a pioneer in the medium of video art for more than 35 years. "You're alone and you're not even told why you're there. You just fall out of the sky into the middle of this amazing landscape with mountains, sea, desert, and forest, and go wherever you want," he explains. "The more you do things mindfully, the more is revealed to you."" (Hilarie Sheets, ArtNews, April 2010)
Link: Bill Viola's The Night Journey
Link: Hilarie M. Sheets's "Click Here For Enlightenment" (Art News)
Related: Space Invaders (2009)
Related: Tales of Play (2009)