Nia Burks, "Angry Gamers" (2010)
"The work comes as the result of the artist’s process of content curation--- the organization and arrangement of User Generated Content on Social Networking Sites. By recontextualizing and rearranging already existing data, it is transformed and, gains new meaning. Our culture’s desire for the archive, combined with ideas of self-celebrity, originality, proof of existence, and boredom result in a gluttonous and rich world of self generated imagery. With the willful rejection of the roles that privacy, exclusivity, and forgetting play in our culture, the content of the social web is, ostensibly, available for all to consume. What is real or fake? Why do we participate? Why do we record images with the intent to mass distribute? What does it mean? The world of Social Media holds the greatest potential for diversity that humans have ever known. The art practice and investigation illustrates the power of sameness and homogeny (with the ability to get lost in details) in our online behavior within this social environment" (Nia Burks)
Link: "Angry Gamers" (via John Michael Boling, Rhizome)